Welcome to Room 3's blog. During the rest of this year we will update our blog with things we have been doing and learning in class. We will also add learning games and activities you can do at home. Come back regularly to see what we have been doing. Feel free to add comments to our posts, we love reading them (Just come and see Miss Dalton if you want to learn how to add a comment on our blog)

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Term 3 House Competition.

On Friday we competed in our Term 3 House Competition.
This was a relay wheel run by Miss Hill. (Thank you Miss Hill)
Here are some photo's of the Junior Relay Wheel.

Pride Award ~ Week 9

This fortnight's Pride Award went to Astella.
For 'Showing determination with her physio and when using her walking frame.'
Great job Astella.

Discovery Time

Each Thursday afternoon we have Discovery Time.
This is a chance for exploration, play, creativity and new ideas to blossom.
Here is a slideshow of some of Team One during discovery time.

Jodi's Soccer Award

Jodi showed us her wonderful soccer trophy and certificate this week.
Jodi was awarded her trophy for having a great attitude and a good kick.
Well done Jodi!

Saturday, 17 September 2011


This fortnight's PRIDE Award went to: Kevin.  
For always being a respectful and considerate listener.  Super job Kevin!

Parkvale Fun Run 2011

On Friday all of Parkvale school made their way to Windsor Park for our anual Fun Run.  This year we had to run an obstacle course over, under, around and through various objects.  The children in Room 3 ran incredibly well and had a great time competing and cheering the other children along.
Conor placed 2nd in the Year 1 boys and Kevin placed 3rd.  Great job boys!  We are very proud of you.


On Thursday night Team One had our Fancy Dress Folk Dance Evening.  We had a great time dressing up and showing the dances we have learnt to our families.  Here are a few photo's from our night.

The Gruffalo Show

Last Week Team One went on our long awaited trip to see The Gruffalo stage show.
Below are some of our stories about the trip.  Also our pretty impressive illustrations!

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Our Room 3 Pride award this week went to Daniel.
For trying so hard to improve his reading and writing. 
Well done Daniel!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Our Favourite 'Oldie but Goodie' Stories

We have over the last term been watching a few 'Old but Good' stories that Miss Dalton used to watch when she was little.  Here are two of our favourites.

The Three little Pigs

Elmer the Elephant

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The Crane and Wood Chipper

On Monday morning Kanye noticed a crane out our class window.  On closer investigation we noticed it was removing a tree further down Howard Street.  A small walk later and we were watching the tree being taken down and fed into a wood chipper.  The lovely owner of the house where the tree was being taken down then shared her wonderful pikelets and jam with us! Lucky Room 3.  Here are our photo's and stories about the tree.

The Crane
By Daniel

I saw the crane take the tree down and put the tree in the wood chipper.

By Daniel

Jan's House
By Diksha
We walked to Jan's house and we had pikelets.

The Wood Chipper
By lake
We went to see the wood chipper. 
Some men were chopping some tree out of the way. 
The man was picking the tree up with the crane.

The Crane
By Camden

I saw the crane pick the tree up.
My favourite was the crane and pikelets and the chainsaw.
Then we went to go back to school.
 By Camden

The Crane
By Kanye

I saw the crane in the window.
There was a man in the bucket.
he was cutting the tree.
 By Kanye

The Crane
By Ryan

Kanye said there was a crane outside the window.  Then we went outside to see the crane and we could see the wood chopper.
Jan gave us pikelets.  We liked the butter and the jam on the pikelets.

By Adam

 By Makayla