Welcome to Room 3's blog. During the rest of this year we will update our blog with things we have been doing and learning in class. We will also add learning games and activities you can do at home. Come back regularly to see what we have been doing. Feel free to add comments to our posts, we love reading them (Just come and see Miss Dalton if you want to learn how to add a comment on our blog)

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Pride Awards

Each fortnight at our school assembly we award one PRIDE award per class.  PRIDE stands for Personal Best, Respect and Responsibility, Integrity, Determination and Enjoyment.

Our first Pride Award this term went to Amie for showing a great attitude to listening and learning.
Last weeks Pride Award went to Louie for showing Determination to improve his writing by writing lots of the sounds in words.
Well done Amie and Louie!

School House Chant Competition

On Friday we had our first house competition.  Each house had to learn and perform a house chant written by their two senior house leaders.  The children all did a fantastic job, Hoiho being the winners on the day.  Well done Hoiho!
This is the Room Three children dressed up in their house colours.